The New Hampshire Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The New Hampshire Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (NHAND) is a professional association and the state affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. NHAND provides education programs for members and the public. NHAND is also involved with nutrition-related legislative issues that impact registered dietitians and the public.
To become a member of NHAND, you must be a current member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and choose New Hampshire as your state affiliate.
Professional Development
& Networking
NHAND is focused on helping you take your career where you want it to go. Whether it's to the next level or switching to another practice area of dietetics, we can help.
In addition to helping you access the many resources the Academy provides to members, networking with your New Hampshire colleagues through NHAND provides you with meaningful connections and professional relationships.
We hold a variety of events to provide you with opportunities to learn and obtain continuing education credits (CEUs). Future events will be announced on our Professional Development page, News page, on our Facebook page, and in e-mails sent to members.
If you are interested in helping with NHAND events, becoming a sponsor, or presenting at a future event, please contact us.
Advocacy 101: Feel Empowered to Make a Difference!
NH HB 145 Update: The Journey Continues!
Thinking about becoming a NHAND/Academy member? Now’s a great time!
Are Sports Drinks the Best Choice for My Child?
Youth Energy Drink Consumption: Should We Be Concerned?
URGENT: Call or e-mail your local legislator about HB 1678
Get Involved!
If you're already a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or you're thinking about becoming a member, we’d love to have you come to an event, get involved with a committee, and interact with other dietitians and DTRs. Contact us today!